So, yeah. I had to write that. Anyways, it's another new year and as such I have several goals so what better forum to display them then here?
1. Write one short story every two weeks
2. Read the Bible in some capacity every day
3. Finish a playthrough on Mass Effect 2 with Male Shepard romancing Jack
4. Write in this blog every three days, minimum.
5. Stay up to date with school work
6. Limit my time playing "Mafia Wars" on Facebook.
7. Smile. Daily.
Anyways, I guess also since my viewership got a huge spike after I wrote that "Black Swan" article (according to the stats, anyways), I'd like to welcome any new viewers. If you have any questions or suggestions for me and this blog feel free to rattle off. Until then, I'll be outlining the first story. Oh, and I'll be chronicallying my success with these these seven tasks probably ever other post or so, to keep myself thinking about them.
Anyways, Happy New Year!
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