So, basically we met our professors (ie we sat in an auditorium and the profs stood up and gave a 90 second speech about themselves) though that didn't take very long. Though the meeting lasted until about 11ish. We sorta hung around the meeting area and ate little finger foods for the next hour or so. Then, the campus tour began. We were split up into four different group and went off in different directions.
To put things into perspective the entirety of Hanyang's campus, and honestly Seoul in general, is very hilly. Some parts of it are basically at 60 degree inclines and on top of that a few select spots are basically torn up worse than Afghanistan. This being said, the next part will make more sense.
I was walking with my group and my roommate who had been there for the meeting thought the tour was boring and went back to the room. So, my roommate gone, I initially floated from person in the group to person but quickly I found a person to talk to. Libby (aforementioned, also student at my same university in the US) had a roommate who was Korean by birth named Miyoung who started talking to me and think I to myself "Why not?" So we chatted about foreign languages (she speaks four- French, Korean, Japanese and English) and how to say different things in Korean. Oddly enough she seemed impressed that I could read Korean and pronounce alright as well (I think that it's not really that helpful, but she was of a different mindset). She was very engaging to talk to and...easy on the eyes as well.
Though one of the things she did that impressed me the most was the fact that she went through this half hour long tour up and down the steep hills of the campus in 2 inch high heels. Now, being somewhat of a clumsy person by nature, I have to say I was damn impressed that someone had the balance and dexterity to take on those hills. It was just amazing, to be honest, and I'm not normally impressed by feats of physical ability. This was an exception though. She's not in any classes with me but she was fun to talk to. Hopefully I'll see her around.

In other news, I went with a group of people over to the E-mart (this included a few people from the group- Miranda among them). Now, what is E-mart, you may ask? Think of WalMart...except for a quarter of the size in terms of width and lenght...and add four floors of it on top of one. It's the same area- they just built up. There were a few interesting conventions, namely escalators...for shopping carts. Yes, you read correctly. Escalators for shopping cars. There are special grooves in the wheels that stop the carts from rolling and taking out the 20 or so people below. I took a few pictures, will post them later (that seems to be a bit of a chorus now...doesn't it? It'll be done. Soon.Ish).
Now, the E-Mart was not isolated- it was part of a huge complex that had a Krispy Kreme and a Coldstone Creamery and a few other stores (though their prices were quite high compared to the already high prices for the US). We ate at a traditional restaurant that involved us taking our shoes off and sitting on the floor.
While our joints were busy freezing up, we ate the soup- which seemed eerily like the "Sausage and Ham" soup had something similar to hot dogs inside it. Go figure, huh? Anyways, it was quite spicy and pretty good. Worth the W8,100 I paid for it. Speaking of, I need to find a bank. Soon. I'm running out of cash (I still have about W 30,000 or more which will last me a while yet, but it'd be nice to have more). But I spotted a few yesterday...the only hold up now is finding the time to go. Banks are open from 9-4:30 on weekdays only...I have class from 9-12 and from 1 to 4 except on Wednesdays. Oy. I'll make it work though. Have to.
So, I got back to my room and my roommate wanted to go to E-Mart and me being cheap wanted to walk. So, we made our way to E-mart and he bought what he wanted (a hanger for the room to hang drying clothes on- which as while we have a washing machine right by our room, we don't have a dryer). I offered to give him money for it, but he declined, saying it was alright.
After picking up some candy for June (aforementioned pharmacy buddy), which I had nothing less than severe bodily harm waiting for me if I did not, we went out to eat. We had some fried chicken and beer (which while not traditional Korean food, is quite popular). Both were excellent. Interesting thing though, when the bill came, I offered to pay for my half, but my roommate refused. He said that I'll pay him back when he comes to Cleveland and when we go out to dinner I'll pick up the bill then. I had a feeling that this was more of a figure of speech than anything, but I get the understanding: Deeds> Money. The idea and thoughtfulness of treating someone out to dinner is worth more than money...also pay it forward. Very interesting.
But for now, I'm tired and ready to fall asleep. Classes start tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.
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