Monday, June 7, 2010

"Outside the dream world, life can be harsh, even cruel, but it is life."

So, I have not written in awhile. I'm not entirely sure why that is. But I will be better about that in the future. No real gems from me today/tonight, except for the fact that I realize that I cannot "fix" people nor help people who haven't asked for help.

This being said, you may wonder what inspired it. I really don't want to get into details, but the long and short of it is that one of my friends is getting married to someone she has known for only a few months (and he lives two hours away from her- though I think they talk on the phone most nights). Everyone else in her family supports it (I think it's a religion thing) so if I were to confront her, it would do nothing but make me feel better by getting it off my chest. Thus, I cannot fix how my friend feels about her upcoming nuptials (a few months from now) and confronting her wouldn't help anything.

Next is a female friend who was introduced to me by a mutual third friend. This female friend was (is? by all indications, this is true) interested in me. We go to different colleges but were able to talk online a good deal. She was nice enough to talk to online and for a time, I felt the same way as her. However, the more I talked to her, I became aware of how immature she was. I tried holding a reasonable debate with her and she just wasn't listening to me and it was the fact that she didn't listen to me (not the not agreeing with me- I'm fine with people not agreeing with me) nor try to firmly justify her own opinions that just made me realize the relationship was going nowhere. I can't fix that. It just got frustrating that as pleasant as she was to talk to initially, whenever our conversation got even remotely deep she loses her credibility. I can't be with someone who cannot deal with philosophical/ethical questions. So, I just need to recognize that the relationship isn't going anywhere and move on. While she talks to me online, I never will see her in person.

The only person I can really change is myself. So, to quote Maya Angelou: “If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.” So, with the first friend, I need to change my attitude. But as for the second...I won't run into her physically and by editing my settings on AIM/Facebook, I won't have to deal ever. Win.



  1. Good quote by Maya Angelou, and good to see your putting it to good use. Pity some people don't realize how immature they are and can't see the flaws in their reasoning in logic. But so goes life. I'm laughing that you're changing your AIM/Facebook settings, I had to do that with a friend who bothered me constantly when I got online.

  2. Ms. Geist,

    Glad you enjoyed the quote. :) Hadn't noticed that you had replied to any of my posts until today. I thought Blogger would notify me of such matters, but I guess not. Oh well. Haha, and yes, I have changed my Facebook/AIM setting and I'm not looking back. I feel a bit lousy doing it, but I feel that it's for the better in the long run.
