The girl's name was Jessica and she's from Hawaii. She was incredibly nice and we had a fun time having lunch as well as splitting up the work on our project on the Choson dynasty (basically from 1400s to 1900s, though we cover up until the early 1600s- I'll post more on my project later). My slides for the powerpoint presentation are finished, as I write this and I'm basically good to go. We work pretty well together and I feel like this project will turn out just fine.
After that, we walked around a few parts of Seoul for a bit and I went back to my dorm to mentally veg out. I finished my language homework, but haven't looked at the two chapters of reading just yet. It'll be rough.
Speaking of rough, I looked down at my feet today (they had been hurting more than usual) and noticed, to my dismay that the pinky toe and ring toe (for lack of a better term) on my left foot were pretty well blistered. Though, truth to be told that did explain a lot. I had done a lot of walking today and due to the geography of Seoul, a good deal of said walking was uphill. I think I've lost five pounds due to sweat alone over the past ten days. That's not a good thing.
I wish I had more special things to write about, but I'm pretty tired as of now and should get sleep or do reading. Meh. But first...
I guess I'd like to end this post with a big thank you to all veterans who served in the US armed forces in any capacity. As much as I enjoy the fireworks and cookouts, appreciating the sacrifice that the men and women in the armed forces have made is the real reason for the celebration. You have made sacrifices for us that we cannot comprehend and have kept us safe. So, thank you. Special shoutouts go to my Dad, Uncle Kenny, Grandpa and Uncle Richard, members of my family who have served in the armed forces. Also, for my Uncle Kenny (should he eventually read this blog), I saw this poster right outside the American embassy in Seoul and it should be a good one to end with. They remember. We should too.

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