History was not terribly exciting today. Since the first day we have lost roughly two thirds of the class. The teacher moves ahead at breakneck speed and leaves me wondering if I'll be able to mentally keep up for this entire course. The reading is difficult, not because I have trouble understanding the author, but that I have nothing to link to it. I have not really seen any familiar names, save for Tang, and that's in reference to the Chinese dynasty, not the drink.
I'm barely able to remember all of all the rearranging of city states and players of power unless I hear their names and I can not exactly prounce the romanization of the Korean names as well. To be honest, It'd be easier if the names were in Hangul and I could just sound them out on my own. But whatever. Of my group of friends/companions, we're at about half. Only Jim, Campbell, Big Jay, Miranda and I remain. So, I lost my partner for the project that is supposed to count for 15% of our grade, but fortunately a new girl came in today who couldn't make it previously (she was out sick- hospitalized) and she needed a partner. So, it all worked out, though not quite ideally.

Later on, we ended up in Language class and today my knowledge of the Korean language ran out which just means that I'll have to put in more work and thought into it than I have so far. I'm alright with that. The problem is the combination vowels looking so similar that it makes me want to scream. But I'll figure it out. However, the teacher is as pleasant as ever and encouraging as well. Thought today, something happened that confused the heck out of me.
So, there we were in Language class (on break). Miranda, Benji and I were playing a card game, which everyone was fairly closee. The following dialouge is pretty much in context.
Me: (after making a fatal mistake in the game, sighing) Aw, f***.
Miranda: (looking up from the game slightly) You won't pick a girl up if you talk like that.
(Benji and I exchange glances with "What the heck?" expressions painted on our faces. Note there are no other girls in audible reach)
Me: (trying to say this as diplomatically as possible) Um...I'm not trying to pick you up.
Benji: Wow...this is a bit awkward...
Teacher: Alright, time for class to start up again!
Me: (internally) Thank goodness...
All players exit.
I wasn't exactly in the best place to learn Korean vowels after that, as my mind thoroughly someplace else. And the fact that I noticed Miranda glance back everyone once in awhile confuseed me further.
But seriously? What the heck? Who says that? I know my choice of language may not have been the best, but how does she get off saying that? And why would she say such a thing in the first place? She's not the most conservative person in the world and why would she care if I was trying to pick up girls? She doesn't really pay me heed except to respond to something I with a snarky comment or to comment on a mistake that I made. What the heck?
I discussed (read: vented about) this with Brian (who was standing by the game while this went on) and just expressed my utter confusion. What exactly was she trying to achieve by that comment? Gah. Just confused. Brian had said f*** several times in class (pronunciation self quizzes- it was justified, believe me) and he was sitting closer to her. Further still, she seemed to be paying more attention to him on breaks and during class with me sorta just standing to the side (Brian and I sit at the same desk). She said nothing to him. Nothing.
He offered that possibly since I've know Miranda for longer, she'd call me on it rather than him. I disagreed; I've known of Miranda for going on four years but I've yet to really talk to and get to know her. We talked for maybe twenty minutes total on the roughly seventeen hours we spent on a plane and for even less when we were in airports. It just was weird. I can't put my finger on why this bothers me so much. Miranda just acts weird around me. She basically ignores me unless it's to comment on something I did that was stupid or snarkily reply to a valid question of mine.
She's really smart- I don't wish to diminish her in any way, shape or form. But I just don't understand where she's coming from. I seem to get along well with anyone else in Hanyang summer school, even those who I've know for days or hours. But her? Apparently not. It's just confusing.
She's this introvert who doesn't open up to many people (to quote her "[she's] quiet until you get to know[her]), but stays in a group of at least five or so people though usually drifts off to the side, unpaired with anyone. While at the same time, she has maintained so very often that she's her own person, though she hovers around these group being a part of them without pairing up with them. It's just so weird. I can't read her at all and it's annoying me to no end. Alright. Enough of this venting. Perhaps I will delete this post later on. If anyone could shed some light on what's going on here, please let me know...
Not sure what's going on tonight. Supposedly we were going to go clubbing, but I haven't heard where or when. I don't hear anyone out in the hallway, but the main group said they'd knock on my door and let me know when they were going out. We'll see...hopes are high.
Maybe, just maybe this Miranda girl likes you? And in social akwardness ignoring you is her way of fliritng with you? That's my insight for the moment, I'm being roped into going to the grocery store... joy...
ReplyDeleteIt is about destroying the status quo, because the status is NOT quo. The world is a mess and you just need to rule it.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn’t worry about the girl. All girls do silly things. I am sure it didn’t mean anything.
Kat- It's possible, but I'm not sure. I'm thinking shooting spitballs at her may provide the answer. :P
ReplyDeleteJ. Snow- Agreed. Also, don't plan the plan, if you can't follow through. I'm not going to let it bother me.