Just to clear things up, we were chatting through AIM (or AOL instant messenger) and she wanted to do videochat. Ok, thought I, that's all fine and good except for the fact that I don't have one. Nevertheless, we opened the chat and she was able to talk to me and I could just respond back via text.
It sounds like a bit of an odd prospect only typing back to a person and hearing them as well as seeing them, though it didn't feel that weird to me. I'm not sure why that is. Maybe I can type more organized than I can talk (don't all agree with me at once on this) or since I'm really used to typing and I didn't feel like physically talking this morning/afternoon, it was alright.
After about 6pm or so, I decided that having been in my room for hours on end was probably not a good thing and decided to wander around the city. I had quite a few revelations, though I'll share them tomorrow morning when I wake up as it's almost 1 here and I really don't feel like I should type them unless I am completely mentally there. Though some may suggest that may not happen for awhile! Yuk yuk yuk....
Also, I was going to post pictures of the Mud festival, however, upon reviewing the pictures, I am surprised I didn't break the camera upon first taking them. Anyways, to make good on my promise, I decided to actually post one of the least worst pictures.
Speaking of, I did a couple of firsts last night- first Jaggerbomb and first A.M.F. I preferred the Jaggerbomb to the A.M.F. (the latter was just...ugh). A Jaggerbomb, is formed by emptying a can of Red Bull into a pub glass and dropping a shot of Jagger (in a shot glass) into the pub glass and simultaneously shotgunning the combination. This being said, I have heard stories of overzealous shotgunners chipping their teeth on the shot glass by inverting the pub glass too quickly. That wasn't me though I finished the drink the second fastest out of the group of nine of us. Unlike most alcohol, the Jaggerbomb actually woke me up and made me feel energized- probably due to the fact that it was...well...Red Bull. Tasted nice, even though I don't especially like Red Bull- the combination worked quite well.
As for the A.M.F...that was a doozy. A.M.F. is an acronym for "Adios M****F*****". Vulgar to be sure, but nevertheless, quite accurate as the drink is basically the bartender putting pretty much everything from the bar into one drink. I couldn't finish the drink on my own as it felt like drinking cleaning supplies. The fact that the drink itself was a familiar Windex Blue did not help. My stomach wasn't happy with me after that, so I abstained for the rest of the evening and got back to my room around midnight (and the other events of last night are recounted at yesterday's post).
So, yeah, my latest adventures in drinking and mud. More class tomorrow, with exams on Friday. DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNN!
Haha, I did my first bomb on the fourth of July. Red, white and bomb drinks. I have no idea what was in it, but it tasted like those rocket shaped popsicles.
ReplyDeleteNice! That would be a good taste...did they use Red Bull as well? If not, I remember how amazing those rocket shaped popsicles are (it's been too long since I've had one, to be honest) and would love to do a bomb with that taste.