Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 26- Interlude

So, today was pretty much a middling day amidst all the rest. History class went on through the 1950s and 1990s. I'll sum up the basic plot: Some military jerk decides to take over, the people put up with him for awhile, but then he's taken out by another military dictator jerk and eventually the people overthrow him for the idea of presidents/PMs and the presidents all promise returning more power to people and keep on screwing over the people in some way/shape/form. Yes, two and a half hours of that. Korean politics suck, I've decided. Naturally, most Koreans (according to our teacher) are fairly cynical when it comes to politics and for good reason as shown above.

Language was just reviewing the ego crushing test from the other day and finding out that our final counts for 80% of our grade. Thankfully attendance is 20% so I've got that down. That being said, I'm going to spend a lot of time on it tomorrow.

As for this evening, I went out with some people, had a few drinks and went back with a few girls because I didn't want to be out until 3 in the morning or so (that seems mostly to be the plan for them). Chatted with Brian for a few hours afterwords. Sorry, not that interesting of a day. Studying tomorrow!


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