Monday, May 24, 2010

"We can disobey suicidal orders? Why wasn't I told?"

So, today was not a bad day. Woke up, worked out, had lunch with one of my friends, Kat. Finally finished a short story that has taken me roughly three months to write since its inception (the normal timetable is usually a week), so life is good.

I want to explain a few ground rules:
1. No real names of people will ever be mentioned (I'll have to keep a list of who is who, but that's ok), just in case.
2. I am not sure yet if I will reveal where I live/where I'm from/etc. But until then, just assume the Midwestern US.
3. As for pictures, yeah, they'll be up eventually as this is going to be my main way of keeping in contact with my family while overseas.

On a humerous note, I find it rather ironic that I am going to South Korea with all of this interesting news from that region of the world. To give everyone the Cliff's notes version: South Korea had a naval ship named the ROKS Cheonan that was sunk in March of 2010, killing around fifty people. The cause of the sinking the ship was recently found to be due to a torpedo from a North Korean submarine. Naturally, South Korea was not happy about this and caused an embargo on trade to and from North Korea. The international community, for the most part, seemed upset as well and demands some kind of action be done.

Ho boy. This should be fun. But I'm not that concerned, to be honest. I mean, it's not like little screwups have caused wars *thinks back to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand*...or maybe they can occasionally. In any event, whether it is due to the supposed invincibility of my youth (he says sarcastically) or the fact that according to my friends from Korea at my college, it's not like this sort of anger between North Korea and South Korea is nothing new, I am not that concerned. Kat told me "Don't die." I smirked. I'm not that concerned.

I think the idea that young adults don't fear death because they think they are invincible is a fallicy. I think the reason why young adults don't fear death is because they do not think that they have anything to lose (ie a house, a spouse, kids, a career). To be quite honest, I'm pretty satisfied with my life (though I am missing a few things that I would've liked to experience before death at this point, though perhaps my bucket list will be another post) and would be alright with shuffling off this mortal coil. I mean, the whole stressing about/fear of death, I do not get- when you die, you die. It's not like one can change it by worrying about it. When it is my time, be it next week or in sixty years, it will be my time. So yeah. That is that.

The title post may have you believe that I'm viewing going to Korea in a dangerous way, which isn't true- I just think it is a humerous quote and wanted to use it for kicks and giggles. So there. And anyone who recongizes the source of the original quote knows that the person saying it is quite an amazing guy (err...turian).


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